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EFOOD2024 Experiencing and Envisioning Food, Designing for Phygital - Noticias - Food Design Lab Lisbon

EFOOD2024 Experiencing and Envisioning Food, Designing for Phygital


Food Design Lab Lisbon supports the 4th Edition of EFOOD2024, Experiencing and Envisioning Food, Designing for Phygital. 

FORK, the Food Design Organization, is thrilled to present EFOOD24, a groundbreaking event that celebrates the fusion of design and gastronomy in the Phygital Food Systems. ELISAVA through its Food Design Lab, will host this immersive experience, where innovation, creativity, and culinary excellence converge to shape the future of food in both physical and digital spaces. EFOOD is a forum where academics and experts in design and gastronomy, as well as the food industry, collaborate in a transdiciplinary manner to examine food and the behaviour of food systems. Re-transforming, re-thinking and re-designing the world’s food systems, making them more inclusive,
equitable and sustainable may seem like insurmountable challenge. But there are actually concrete actions that designers can take.

More information for call for papers or call for projects: https://efood24.elisava.net 

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